A Sister’s Love…

Even though the distance between us is far,

there’s a special bond that we share.

I often wish I could reach out and touch you,

at times, life doesn’t seem fair.

It’s sometimes hard to put into words,

the depth of my love for you.

I can share with you my innermost thoughts,

for you have often seen me through.

You may not know it but you mean the world,

a call from you really brightens my day.

The time passes quickly while we catch up,

but we never run out of things to say.

We don’t always see things eye to eye,

but we respectfully disagree.

It helps to strengthen the bond that we have,

because we allow each other to ‘be’.

Being the individuals that we are,

and no matter what differences arise.

We will always be sisters no matter what,

for God has given us the ultimate prize.

My love for you is special and rare,

like a delicate flower untouched.

I cherish the relationship that we both share,

I love you so very much!

By Sylvia Porter-Hall