
Sometimes in life we just go numb,

emotionally drained, down to the last little crumb.

The pain of life is often too much,

open wounds are raw and sensitive to the touch.

But once people go numb, what does that mean?

How dull the senses, that once were keen?

Will the treatment of others continue to worsen?

The obvious affects on each and every person?

Once people are numb, can they ever come back,

from a road of darkness and eternal black?

Or is it a conscious choice that one makes,

to take the risk, putting everything at stake?

Upon their return, will they have changed?

Will their once dismal thoughts be newly arranged?

Only time will tell, a journey incomplete,

so tired the bodies and calloused feet.

At least when people are numb, they don’t have to feel,

the layers of pain that slough off and peel.

Maybe being numb is not such a bad thing.

It helps to soften the pain of life’s sting.

By Sylvia Porter-Hall


Though scars may fade and even heal,

their presence still remain.

While not allowing us to forget,

our fleshy wounds and pain.

The visible reminders of many journeys,

tough travels over time,

Consistently failing to forgive,

a self-defeating crime.

If only we would realize,

that forgiveness is the truth.

The visible scars may still remain,

 our healing is the the proof.

By Sylvia Porter-Hall

Hinder No More

Hinder me not, for I’m doing my best,

not to be better than others, but to be an example to the rest.

Paving  the way for others to follow,

but you can’t take this path if your heart is hollow.

Hollow like a tree that lacks spirit and life,

a heart filled with jealousy, envy, and strife.

You hinder my journey and you hinder your own,

refusing to tear down your wall of stone.

Stone that surrounds your heart so securely,

draining all your tenderness ~ slowly but surely.

I must move on now, but the path is still there,

for yourself and others to partake of and share.

The outcome of your journey ~ it really all depends,

if you tear down your wall and allow your heart to mend.

Resume your journey and others will follow,

for your heart has healed and is no longer hollow.

Hollow like the tree earlier on this trip,

which is more than a memory because from it life now drips.

By Sylvia Porter-Hall