Unbreakable Spirit…

The spirit is truly a remarkable thing,

a ray of hope each new day brings.

For a person can be broken on many levels,

a freak accident left your body disheveled.

The healing process is a long road ahead,

I’m thankful you’re alive ~ you could have been dead.

At times, you’ll want to throw in the towel,

your mood impatient ~ your attitude foul.

Your family and friends will get their fill,

through tear-filled eyes that threaten to spill.

God spared your life for His own reasons,

you will be around for many more seasons.

Just know that I pray for you every day,

even when I’ve run out of things to say.

God hears my plea, whether silent or spoken,

an unbreakable spirit, can heal a body that is broken.

By Sylvia Porter-Hall