My Black Prince Indeed

My black prince standing brave and proud,

noticeable to all, in even the largest crowd.

Definitely a beautiful sight to see,

and the best part of all ~ this prince belongs to me.

Many a man observes your grace,

but few can seem to match your pace.

You walk with a confidence that is unmistakably yours,

that make other men envious, right down to their cores.

You stand steadfast in your opinions and feelings,

carefully choosing those for your few select dealings.

Your presence is like the wind, strong and unseen,

body perfectly maintained, muscles cut and lean.

Ah, yes. My black prince indeed!

By Sylvia Porter-Hall


Laughter of Self…



One’s own ability to laugh at ‘self’,

is to unload the pent-up emotional shelf.

A contagious laughter that draws others near,

who just want to be closer, to the chuckling they hear.

That which is yours, and yours alone.

Lurking deep within your funny bone.

tickling the corners of a mouth demure.

Teasing the laugh lines, a perfect lure.

It can no longer be held, not one minute more,

your inner humor threatening to pour.

With much fervor, laughter comes bursting through,

with everyone suddenly looking at you.

What’s so funny?” They ask without saying,

You try and answer without further delaying.

But the laughter’s too strong, you can’t respond back.

You’re fully accountable for this laughing attack.

Laughter of ‘self’ is a beautiful thing,

many moments of joy, it is sure to bring!

By Sylvia Porter-Hall




peacock  vintage  by Romany Soup, via Flickr    very retro and so retro  lovely


Imagine the world through another’s eyes,

those of a strange and peculiar one

that see things through a wider scope.

Where any and everything imaginable is possible.

Imagine those very same eyes,

staring and creating visions unique

multifaceted, supreme mystique.

New life born through those eyes,

that left you stunned and mesmerized.

Imagine a life materialized,

through hopes and dreams now realized.

Imagine the world through another’s eyes.

By Sylvia Porter-Hall


Image: Peacock Vintage by Romany Soup



Unbreakable Spirit…

The spirit is truly a remarkable thing,

a ray of hope each new day brings.

For a person can be broken on many levels,

a freak accident left your body disheveled.

The healing process is a long road ahead,

I’m thankful you’re alive ~ you could have been dead.

At times, you’ll want to throw in the towel,

your mood impatient ~ your attitude foul.

Your family and friends will get their fill,

through tear-filled eyes that threaten to spill.

God spared your life for His own reasons,

you will be around for many more seasons.

Just know that I pray for you every day,

even when I’ve run out of things to say.

God hears my plea, whether silent or spoken,

an unbreakable spirit, can heal a body that is broken.

By Sylvia Porter-Hall


Hopes and Dreams….

Floating wishes and crystal dreams,

illuminated by the earth’s moonbeams.

The bigger the hope, the brighter the gleam

A dream weaver’s desires, remain supreme.

With a deep inhale, hope is set in motion,

a special blend of the passionate potion.

Every new breath is carefully collected

in a bubble-like shell, so delicately protected.

A slow exhale puts it all in perspective,

singular thinking and introspective.

Some dreams are big and others small,

never ceasing to amaze and enthrall.

Dreams represent the human condition

while blossoming into the liveliest fruition,

For what one dreams is who they are,

the best intentions will raise the bar.

By Sylvia Porter-Hall



Terracotta Dreams


In the depth of slumber,

terracotta dreams flow silently into existence.

Aburst with a brilliance that burns slowly,

and without mercy, quietly and relentlessly.

Etching its presence deep within the recesses of the mind.

A smoldering reminder of the fine line

that exists between the conscience and sub-conscience.

Magnificent terracotta colors

seer their way through, blazing a fiery pathway

that leads deeper into this temporary place,

that only exists while asleep.

To awaken, risks disturbing

the unique tranquility of this colorful space.

The sweltering terracotta madness,

gathers one securely in its clutches.

An unsolicited hypnosis cloaked

in an undetectable disguise.

Terracotta dreams will overtake you,

the moment you close your eyes.

By Sylvia Porter-Hall


Image found at:





Alone in my bed,

with nothing but the thoughts inside my head

to keep me company ~ but it’s not so bad.

For I am never truly alone

My conscience is my guide to places unknown.

Anxiety and regret ~ my silent companions

always there to mingle

with the thoughts inside my head.

A frequent traveler am I,

occasionally, interruption and distraction stop by

to wreak havoc on my solitary world.

I run for cover

under the cool protection of my sheets.

I am early ~ I am alone,

I lie in wait,

for my thoughts to join me…once again.

Image found at:


The Woman I Am….



The woman I am is filled with hope.

My life experiences have taught me the ropes.


The woman I am is focused and steady,

to take on the world, I know I am ready.


The woman I am is sensitive and caring,

giving freely from my heart, I don’t mind sharing.


The woman I am is secure and stable,

to take on like’s challenges, I am willing and able.


The woman I am is aging with grace,

all the wrinkles in life have not left their trace.


By Sylvia Porter-Hall