Something About Sunday…

A day of rest for weary bones,

can bring peace and quiet to a busy home.

A day that is different from all the rest,

reminds us that we’re truly blessed.

Blessed to give thanks to God up above,

on a glorious day, specially infused with love.

A day to reflect and prepare for the week,

and all the positivity our souls can seek.

There’s something about Sunday, and that’s for sure,

a day to rejoice in thoughts that are pure.

By Sylvia Porter-Hall

Image: Free Google image

What Did You Do?…

What did you do to deserve me you ask,

well only God knows the truth.

But you must have done something right,

and our meeting is positive proof.

Everything in life happens for a reason,

even the most unexpected connection.

I couldn’t be happier that it was you,

for whom I have such a strong affection.

What did you do? You can’t understand,

why God has blessed you so greatly.

Especially when you know deep down inside,

you haven’t done much for Him lately.

But God knows your heart, as only He could,

when you don’t even know it yourself.

That’s why He saves the best for last,

hiding it way up high on a shelf.

High enough so others can’t reach it,

for it was only meant for you.

So, think about that, the next time you’re tempted,

to ask, what did you do?

By Sylvia Porter-Hall