Many thanks!




Thank so much to everyone who has visited my blog and

liked” and/or become a follower.

Thanks also to those who just stopped by. I truly

appreciate each and every one of you!

I am happy to say that

I have reached the magical number of 100!

Yes, 100 followers that is!

I could not have accomplished this without you,

and a huge accomplishment it is, as I have not been

in this blogging game very long. How awesome

it is to share an arena with so many talented

and like-minded people who seem to get me.

It has been a pleasure to make your acquaintance

and I look forward to growing with you and

learning from you as I grow in my own writing.

I will strive to continue to bring you content

that you can thoroughly enjoy!

I am inspired by all of you! Many blessings and love to you all!

Sylvia Porter-Hall






A Heart in Bloom



A heart that blooms opens deep and wide,

unselfishly allowing love full entry inside.

With each new petal, aburst and new,

uncovers another colorful layer or two.

The secret cocooned and so well protected,

has been slowly revealed and carefully detected.

Love is in the air, which is the main reason,

a heart that blooms is always in season.

By Sylvia Porter-Hall


A Broken Heart

A broken heart,

rapidly beating as it

shatters into a million pieces.

Shards of pain as thin as glass

scattered about in disarray.

The heart’s eye sees its reflection

among the shiny emotional debris

Unable to imagine its original wholeness.

Pain and emotion spill

from the heart’s tender center

like vivid life’s blood.

Dripping in a sorrowful rhythm

as it mourns its brokenness.

Broken for now but the true beauty

lies in its ability to become whole again.

Every piece coming back together.

The heart is broken no more

as it pumps new life’s blood….

until the next time.

By Sylvia Porter-Hall