There Is Room For Your Gifts…

Everyone has a gift,

for which there’s plenty of room.

Be it a talent for writing,

or creating scents and perfumes.

We all have the ability

to shine bright as can be,

but we must acknowledge the worth,

that everyone else can see.

You may think your words,

fall limp on deaf ears.

Unknowingly giving weight,

to the root of your fears.

Until you accept,

that your gifts have a space,

talents remain hidden, in an undisclosed place.

There is room for your gifts,

so please have a seat.

Your talents are needed,

for a world complete!

By Sylvia Porter-Hall


8 thoughts on “There Is Room For Your Gifts…

  1. Silvia…this is so beautiful and true. It can be hard sometimes to embrace our gifts…mostly I think because it is hard for some of us to love ourselves…at least that was the case for me. Your writing has such truth and beauty…I do believe it is a gift…Blessitude…Lorrie ❤


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